Avoncliff Halt – A HALT NO MORE
A lot has happened at Avoncliff Halt since the West Wiltshire Railway Users Group appeared in 1989: then we had an average of 8 ‘on request’ (of which more later) trains a day in each direction. There were no shelters, no information points, no seats, and (though we didn’t know it at the time) no...

The Railway in Avoncliff
When the railway was constructed it consisted of a single broad gauge track, the width being 7ft 1/4inch, though the cuttings, embankment and ballast were all built to take a double track of broad gauge. It was planned to open the 91/2 mile track from Bradford junction to Bathampton on 20th January, 1857, but upon...
Avoncliff Halt – 100 Years Anniversary
The whole village dressed in 1906 costume for the 100th anniversary in July 2006, together with silver band, refreshments and marquee – even Mr Brunel came to unveil our celebratory Running in Board!